A Secure and Frictionless Unified Account System
With players having plenty of choices in the gaming market, enhancing the accessibility and security of their gaming experience is an important step to take for everyone in the gaming industry, including Level Infinite. To make players’ gaming lives that much easier, the rollout of the LEVEL INFINITE PASS will help ensure that next level gaming is already possible today.
The LEVEL INFINITE PASS is an account system that allows global gamers to unify their Level Infinite games’ accounts securely under one integrated account. Through it, we will simplify gamers’ login experience, and provide an even greater level of security and better user support. Level Infinite games have already started transitioning to the system, so players can expect to experience the new account system and its perks soon.

So what are the benefits of using this new system? Let’s dive right in:
Account management:
Enjoy a unified accounts experience through LEVEL INFINITE PASS, which will enable players to use only one login and have immediate access to all available Level Infinite games’ accounts. Players will have a shorter registration and login process, and will be able to log in seamlessly to new Level Infinite games as they become available.
Account recovery:
Easily recover accounts through the LEVEL INFINITE PASS verification process. All accounts under the system will be protected and retrievable.
Efficient user support:
Get timely responses from customer service when inquiring about account issues. As there will be no scrambling for information stored in third-party accounts, we will be able to provide quick, personalized, and accurate support.
In-game rewards:
Unlock exclusive in-game content when registering accounts through LEVEL INFINITE PASS.
These are just some of the benefits users can expect by integrating current and future gaming accounts under the LEVEL INFINITE PASS. And it will only get better as a range of new services rolls out in the future. Gamers who already enjoy Level Infinite games, be sure to register for the new account system on the next login!
Gamers who have not yet tried Level Infinite games, it’s never too late. Sign up and enjoy infinite gaming today.
For more information, please check out the LEVEL INFINITE PASS FAQ.