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Freedom of Choice Brings Out the Best in Airship Syndicate’s Wayfinder

Digital Extremes definitely knows something about keeping players happy with a live service game, and now, in partnership with Airship Syndicate, the pair has opened the gates to Wayfinder, a free-to-play, character-based, action-MMO taking place in the world of Evenor.

With the encroachment of the Gloom, it will be up to the players to harness the power of a Wayfinder, one of the many champions in the game, and take back Evenor. That is a task easier said than done, but within this structure, there is lots of freedom to be found in Wayfinder.

For starters, players will eventually gain access to seven Wayfinders during Early Access, which has already begun on Steam and PlayStation 5. These heroes each boast different unique abilities – some being adept at being up close and personal, others more efficient from range – that will suit players’ way of adventuring. With progression, they will only grow to become even more effective in combat. Moreover, none of the Wayfinders are restricted in their choice of the initial 15 weapons, which further expands the way combat feels and unfolds. Heavy weapons hit hard but slow, while lighter weapons boast more speed, and there is even a parry system with the good old sword and shield combo.

With the possibility of partnering up with two other players in Wayfinder, the team synergy and hero combinations will only increase with time, making everything that players will get up to in the game much more entertaining. There are also a ton of upgrades and resources to seek out that further feed into the cycle, which always looks to reward players for their time.

“It’s all about making everything more interesting, be it the Wayfinders, the Echoes, or the adventure itself,” shared the team at Gamescom 2023. “Early Access is a conversation to make the game better and to make sure the community see what we are trying to build.”

Some examples of welcome changes made to Wayfinder included the addition of more I-frames when parrying attacks to make sure players were benefitting from their skill despite any latency issues, as well as adding in an air dash because it just made much more sense for certain Wayfinders. All of these small things can add up, and in the long run, lead to a much better game.

Speaking of making a better game, that process will include long-term support of the game until and after launch, with new seasons that will bring new characters, weapons, hunts, quests, and more to flesh out the game. Beyond the narrative and main storyline, there are also other aspects like community building and Apartment decorating systems to get deep into as well. What doesn’t change is the togetherness of Wayfinders who are enjoying all of it as a family.

As avid players of the MMO genre, it is clear that the Airship Syndicate team is well invested in making sure that Wayfinder lives up to the expectations and vision of the creators. Making a socially focused, online, and persistent experience is not always that straightforward, but Wayfinder is off to a good start, and players can expect to see more in the coming months as Early Access gets into its groove.

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