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Peer Into The Future of V Rising Ahead of Full Launch

With both the first-year anniversary of V Rising now passed and the arrival of Secrets of Gloomrot, developers Stunlock Studios would be forgiven for taking some time off. However, just like the darkness, there is no end to the work that needs to be done ahead of the game’s targeted full launch in Q2 of 2024. To help fans understand the strong foundations being put in place, the studio has peeled back the curtains a little more on its vampire epic.

V Rising Engine Upgrade

With V Rising being an early access game, there are many elements of it that are still work-in-progress, which includes the experimental engine that has allowed Vardoran to take the form it has now. While that brought about many advantages, there were also areas that affected how the game could be developed.

Thankfully, Stunlock has found a way to update the engine in recent times, creating a “more stable and well-supported 1.0 version” that will bring about better optimization and “a smoother game experience.” This bodes well both for the upcoming 1.0 release of the game as well as players who want to make full use of their powerful rigs.

In addition, the tools the developers are using are also being refined, which makes it easier to test and iterate the level and gameplay design in a more organized fashion while being quick and efficient.

The Dawn of V Rising 1.0

Setting a target of the second quarter of 2024, the work behind the scenes at Stunlock for V Rising has been ramping up. All areas of development, be it tech, design, art, and more, are being brought to together to bring to life the cohesive vision for the game. What this means is that a full version will be ” a complete vampire experience” that fans would love and the developers are proud to put out.

“The full version of V Rising represents a fusion of our original vision from years past and the invaluable feedback-driven enhancements and directions we’ve adopted over time. It means a fully fleshed-out and enticing journey through Vardoran, with a captivating beginning and a heart-stopping finale,” said the team.

That would also be a new beginning, with more content and updates planned for after launch to continue the bloodshedding in Vardoran. Before that, however, there is a sneak peek of what to expect when 1.0 comes around.

A Realm Fit for Rulers

The team felt that there was a need for a “grander stage” as the narrative of V Rising moves towards the finale. A new zone will be part of that vision, allowing players to venture beyond the Hallowed Mountains into dark and icy realms, and into the domain of the top predator in the land. A confrontation is brewing, and players will have to be on the top of their game to emerge victorious.

At the same time, a prime killer needs some killer looks as well, so expect the team to add in cosmetic overhauls. The idea is for more granular customization down to the finest of details, with vibrant color palettes and dyes to choose from and help players personalize their ruler of the dead. The same goes for castle building as well, including the much-requested ability to sit in chairs.

Transforming the Journey

The early access period has seen many make their way from the depths of the streets to ascend the rungs of vampiric society, but Stunlock Studios also knows that there is a need to keep things fresh and spicy. To that end, there are plans to shake up spell accessibility early on in V Rising, in particular the synergy between learning new spells and the use of V Bloods.

“This doesn’t mean you’ll lose the feeling of draining the power from your foes to add to your own but instead looks to indulge that feeling in a way that’s more flexible for gameplay. We’re still figuring out the details, but it will include other advantages, such as allowing us to more freely chase our inspirations to design V Bloods without having to design a spell to fit them and vice versa. This change could mean more build variety at every stage of V Rising, but it also allows us to add spells and V Blood bosses whenever the creative thirst strikes,” added the team.

Live events will also be part of the experiment to refresh the experience, which can include battles or team-ups with other vampires while trying to collect valuable resources. It is all part of testing that will hopefully “pave the way for dynamic events bursting to life all across Vardoran.”

V Rising is available on Steam Early Access now.

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